Dr. Lola Ohonba – Episode 2


Dr. Lola Ohonba, PharmD

Clinical Pharmacist, Certified Medical Cannabis Specialist
President/Founder WCI HEALTH LLC (Alternative Health & Wellness Online Store)

Dr. Ohonba is the founder and CEO of WCI HEALTH, an alternative health and wellness store. She was born in Western part of Africa (Lagos, Nigeria). She had her early education in Nigeria, and later emigrated to United States where she had her undergraduate and post-graduate studies.

Dr. Ohonba is a clinical pharmacist registered in Florida and Texas. She graduated with honors from Texas Southern University with a major in biology and a minor in chemistry. Popularly known as Dr. O, she later attended Union University College of Pharmacy in Jackson, Tennessee, where she obtained her Doctor of Pharmacy degree.

She worked for several years as a staff pharmacist for a major retail pharmacy chain (WALGREEN PHARMACY). After many years of direct patient care, Dr. O transitioned to one of the top Fortune 500 companies where she served as a clinical pharmacist in charge of prior authorization, appeals, and grievances for Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial clients.

She is a certified medical marijuana professional who is committed to educating people about potential health benefits of medical cannabis and botanical plants generally. She is also the host of the podcast “Let’s Talk About Medical Cannabis with Dr. O” where she talks about the role of cannabinoids in the management of diseases. Her podcast is available on Apple Podcast and most podcast platforms.

Dr. O is committed to her African heritage, especially issues that affects women and other marginalized communities. She works with various organizations to give back not just to people of African heritage, but men, women and children all over the World.

Dr. O is a mother of 3 teenage boys. She lives in Florida, loves to volunteer, travel, and listen to current affairs in her spare time.


A Message From Dr. Ohonba

As a clinical pharmacist, I have witnessed firsthand how patients’ education and counseling have suffered recently due to unattainable goals and expectations set by big corporations for health professionals such as pharmacists. Those professionals are one of the few knowledgeable sources of truth for people to consult when it comes to clinical or nonclinical information that impacts individuals’ health and wellbeing.

There is an opioid epidemic in our country at the moment, and the big pharmaceutical companies and corporations are the ones benefiting from it. Our people are at the receiving end of the destruction being caused by the opioid crisis.

My aim is to join all the activists that have come before me to help remove the negative stigma surrounding cannabis and other medicinal plants by providing Evidence-Based educational information to the general public. I believe my purpose in live is to use my God-given talent for the betterment of not just my community, but to also advance issues that affects women, children and men all over the World. At WCI Health, LLC, we provide quality products and proper health and wellness education.

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