CBD Vaginal Suppositories How Do They Work

Although research regarding vaginal suppositories containing CBD is limited, it is known to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

The vaginal wall is a porous, mucosal area of the body, meaning any medications (like hormonal medication or some birth control) that are taken intravaginally get absorbed directly into the blood stream, Dr. DeLucia explains. With these vaginal suppositories, “[CBD] is absorbed systemically,” she says. About 20 minutes after inserting a 100mg hemp-derived CBD suppository, it dissolves and you can expect to feel all-around calm, relaxed, and somewhat sleepy, she says. In addition, CBD suppositories may have an “analgesic” effect, so they could temporarily relieve pain — including cramps. – Corie Steig 2018

The CBD can desensitize the nerves in the genitals, as well as reducing any inflammation present (which can be a side effect of vulvodynia in some women). CBD limits your body’s ability to feel pain signals, but also works on pain by targeting the same enzymes Ibuprofin targets, thus reducing prostaglandin production. Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that promote pain, inflammation and fever. – Vuvatech

It must be stipulated that while the FDA did approve one specific CBD medication back in April, hemp products like this are unregulated. “[CBD suppositories] are not FDA-approved and there are no clear studies showing any evidence of benefit or harm,” says Adeeti Gupta, MD, FACOG, an Ob/Gyn.

During your period, it’s common for the vaginal pH to change, because the body is flushing things out. So, it might not be particularly problematic for your pH to use a suppository during your period. (Although, you would want to let the suppository dissolve completely before inserting a tampon.)

Talk to your Ob/Gyn or healthcare provider before you try a CBD suppository or any home remedy involving CBD. Keep in mind that there’s no standardized dose of CBD, and everyone responds differently to it, so you might find that you’re more sensitive to it than others. – Corie Steig 2018

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